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10 Lucrative Ways to Make Money with Interior Design Skills

Article 01 Jun 2023 904 0

Money Update

10 Lucrative Ways to Make Money with Interior Design Skills

Introduction: Interior design is a dynamic and creative field that offers numerous opportunities for talented individuals to monetize their skills and create a thriving career. Whether you're a seasoned interior designer looking to diversify your income or someone with a passion for design seeking a profitable side hustle, there are various avenues to explore within the industry. In this article, we will delve into ten lucrative ways you can make money with your interior design skills. We will provide step-by-step strategies, estimated earning potentials, and insights from successful designers to help you navigate these avenues effectively.

1. Interior Design Consulting:

Interior design consulting is an excellent option for designers who enjoy working closely with clients and offering personalized design advice. As a consultant, you can provide guidance on space planning, color schemes, furniture selection, and overall design concepts. Here's how you can get started:

  • Develop a portfolio showcasing your previous design projects and expertise.
  • Network with real estate agents, architects, and homeowners to build a client base.
  • Set up a professional website to promote your services and attract potential clients.
  • Determine your consulting fees based on your experience and the scope of the project.

Estimated Earning Potential: Interior design consultants can earn anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour, depending on their level of expertise and location. A full-time consultant can earn a six-figure income annually.

Pros: Flexibility in working hours, direct interaction with clients, and the opportunity to showcase your design expertise.

Cons: Finding clients initially may require extensive networking and marketing efforts. Client demands and expectations can vary, requiring adaptability and effective communication skills.

Quote: "As a design consultant, I've been able to work on a diverse range of projects and help clients bring their design visions to life. It's incredibly rewarding to see the impact of my expertise on their spaces." - Sarah Thompson, Interior Design Consultant

2. Interior Design Freelancing:

Freelancing provides the freedom to choose your clients and projects while honing your design skills. It offers flexibility and allows you to work remotely or from your own studio. Here's how you can kickstart your interior design freelancing career:

  • Create a professional website or online portfolio showcasing your design work and services.
  • Join freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr to find clients and projects.
  • Establish clear communication channels and project management systems to streamline your workflow.
  • Build a network of fellow freelancers, architects, and contractors for collaborative opportunities.

Estimated Earning Potential: Interior design freelancers can earn anywhere from $30 to $100 per hour, depending on their expertise and project complexity. Income can vary based on the number of projects and clients secured.

Pros: Freedom to choose projects, work from anywhere, and set your rates. Opportunity to gain diverse design experience.

Cons: The initial phase may involve extensive marketing efforts to attract clients. Income can fluctuate depending on project availability.

Quote: "Freelancing allows me to be in control of my career and work on projects that align with my design style. It's a fulfilling and flexible way to make money from my passion." - David Patel, Interior Design Freelancer

3. Home Staging:

Home staging is a booming market, particularly in the real estate industry. As a home stager, you prepare properties for sale by enhancing their visual appeal and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Here's how you can start a home staging business:

  • Obtain certification or training in home staging to build credibility and gain valuable skills.
  • Network with real estate agents, property developers, and homeowners to secure staging projects.
  • Develop relationships with furniture rental companies or build your inventory of stylish staging furniture and decor.
  • Showcase your before-and-after staging transformations through high-quality photographs.

Estimated Earning Potential: Home stagers can earn anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per project, depending on the property's size and complexity. Successful home staging businesses can generate a six-figure income annually.

Pros: High demand for home staging services, the opportunity to work on a variety of properties, and the potential for significant earnings.

Cons: The need to invest in furniture and decor inventory, potential challenges in meeting tight deadlines for staging projects.

Case Study: Jane's Home Staging Jane, an interior designer, capitalized on the growing real estate market by offering home staging services. Her staging expertise helped sellers achieve faster and higher-value property sales. Within two years, Jane's Home Staging became a well-known and profitable business in her area.

4. Online Design Consultancy:

The digital age has opened up immense opportunities for interior designers to provide virtual design services worldwide. Online design consultancy allows you to work with clients remotely, providing design solutions and recommendations through virtual platforms. Here's how to establish an online design consultancy:

  • Develop an appealing website that showcases your design style, services, and pricing packages.
  • Utilize online communication tools such as video calls, emails, and design software to collaborate effectively with clients.
  • Offer different design packages tailored to various budgets and requirements.
  • Leverage social media platforms and online design communities to reach a wider audience.

Estimated Earning Potential: Online design consultants can earn anywhere from $500 to $10,000 per project, depending on the scope, complexity, and client's budget. Income potential increases as you gain a reputation and client base.

Pros: Ability to work with clients globally, flexibility in managing your time, and the potential for high-profit margins.

Cons: Strong competition in the online design space, the need for effective marketing to stand out, and potential challenges in managing virtual client relationships.

Case Study: Emily Johnson's Success Story Emily Johnson, an interior designer, turned her passion for design into a profitable online design consultancy. Through her virtual services, she assisted clients in creating stunning spaces while considering their preferences and budgets. Within two years, Emily generated a six-figure income and established a reputable online presence.

5. Design Blogging and Content Creation:

If you have a flair for writing and enjoy sharing your design knowledge, starting a design blog or creating design-focused content can be a lucrative endeavor. By providing valuable insights, tips, and inspiration, you can attract a loyal audience and monetize your content through various channels. Here's how you can get started:

  • Choose a niche or specific design focus for your blog, such as sustainable design, commercial interiors, or DIY home projects.
  • Create engaging and informative content, including articles, videos, and visuals.
  • Promote your blog through social media, design forums, and guest blogging on established platforms.
  • Monetize your blog through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, advertising, and digital product sales.

Estimated Earning Potential: Design bloggers and content creators can earn anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month, depending on their audience size, content quality, and monetization strategies.

Pros: Creative outlet for writing and sharing design expertise, the potential to build a loyal community, and the opportunity for passive income through monetization methods.

Cons: The need for consistent content creation, competition in the blogging sphere, and the time investment required to grow and maintain an audience.

Quote: "Blogging has allowed me to share my design journey, connect with like-minded individuals, and generate income doing what I love. It's a fulfilling way to reach and inspire a global audience." - Rachel Adams, Design Blogger

6. Design E-Commerce:

With the rise of online shopping, launching an e-commerce store that sells design-related products can be a lucrative venture. Whether it's curated home decor, handmade furniture, or unique design accessories, your e-commerce store can cater to design enthusiasts worldwide. Here's how you can start your design e-commerce business:

  • Identify a niche or unique selling proposition for your store to differentiate it from competitors.
  • Source products from artisans, wholesalers, or create your own designs.
  • Build an appealing and user-friendly website with secure payment gateways.
  • Market your products through social media, collaborations with influencers, and online design communities.

Estimated Earning Potential: Design e-commerce businesses can generate anywhere from $1,000 to $100,000+ in monthly revenue, depending on the product range, marketing strategies, and customer base.

Pros: Opportunity to showcase and sell your own designs or curated products, the potential for high-profit margins, and the ability to reach a global customer base.

Cons: Initial investment in inventory and website development, competition in the e-commerce industry, and the need for effective marketing to drive sales.

Example: Artisanal Home Decor Lisa, an interior designer, started an e-commerce store specializing in artisanal home decor sourced from local artisans worldwide. Her store gained popularity among design enthusiasts looking for unique and ethically made pieces. Through her e-commerce business, Lisa achieved financial success while supporting artisans' livelihoods.

7. Designing and Selling Digital Products:

Digital products offer a scalable and cost-effective way to monetize your design skills. By creating and selling digital assets such as design templates, mood boards, floor plans, and 3D models, you can cater to a wide range of design enthusiasts and professionals. Here's how you can get started:

  • Identify the digital products that align with your design expertise and target audience's needs.
  • Create high-quality digital assets using design software or collaborate with graphic designers.
  • Set up an online store or utilize platforms like Etsy or Creative Market to sell your digital products.
  • Promote your products through social media, design forums, and collaborations with other design professionals.

Estimated Earning Potential: The earning potential for digital products varies widely depending on the product's uniqueness, quality, and demand. Successful designers can generate anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month from digital product sales.

Pros: Passive income potential, scalability of sales, and the opportunity to share your design expertise with a global audience.

Cons: The need for continuous product creation, competition in the digital marketplace, and effective marketing to reach your target audience.

Quote: "Designing and selling digital products has allowed me to reach and inspire fellow designers while creating a sustainable income stream. It's a rewarding way to leverage my design skills beyond client projects." - Mark Evans, Digital Product Designer

8. Designing for Commercial Spaces:

Expanding your services to cater to commercial clients can significantly increase your earning potential as an interior designer. Commercial spaces, such as offices, retail stores, and hospitality establishments, require unique design considerations. Here's how you can tap into commercial interior design:

  • Gain knowledge and understanding of commercial design principles, regulations, and industry standards.
  • Build a portfolio that highlights your commercial design experience or undertake commercial design projects pro bono or at a reduced rate to gain experience.
  • Network with commercial real estate agents, property developers, and business owners to secure commercial design projects.
  • Showcase your expertise in commercial design through case studies and client testimonials.

Estimated Earning Potential: Commercial interior designers can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000+ annually, depending on the scale and complexity of projects, as well as the location and client budget.

Pros: Higher project budgets and earnings, the opportunity to work on large-scale projects, and the potential for long-term client relationships.

Cons: Additional knowledge and expertise required in commercial design, longer project timelines, and the need for effective project management skills.

Case Study: Mark Thompson Design Studio Mark Thompson, an interior designer, established a successful commercial design studio specializing in office spaces. By combining his creative vision with functional design principles, he transformed numerous offices into inspiring and productive work environments. His studio's reputation led to consistent high-value projects and financial success.

9. Product Design and Collaboration:

Interior designers with a passion for product design can explore collaborations with manufacturers and retailers to create their own product lines. By leveraging your design expertise and unique style, you can develop and sell products ranging from furniture and lighting to textiles and accessories. Here's how you can embark on product design and collaboration:

  • Identify your product design niche and target market.
  • Research manufacturers, artisans, or retailers interested in collaborating with designers.
  • Develop prototypes or 3D models of your product designs to showcase your vision and functionality.
  • Negotiate agreements, contracts, and royalty rates with potential collaborators.

Estimated Earning Potential: Product design and collaboration earnings can vary widely based on the success of the product line, sales volume, and royalty rates. Successful collaborations can yield significant financial rewards and long-term partnerships.

Pros: Opportunity to bring your design ideas to life, passive income potential through royalty agreements, and the chance to establish your brand in the design industry.

Cons: Initial investment in prototyping and product development, the need for effective negotiation and collaboration skills, and the potential risks associated with manufacturing and distribution.

Quote: "Collaborating with manufacturers to create my own product line has been a dream come true. It allows me to showcase my design aesthetic and expand my influence in the design industry while generating additional income." - Jessica Reynolds, Interior Designer and Product Designer

10. Design Education and Workshops:

Sharing your design knowledge and expertise through teaching and workshops can be a fulfilling and profitable way to monetize your interior design skills. By conducting in-person or online design courses, seminars, or workshops, you can inspire and educate aspiring designers and design enthusiasts. Here's how you can start offering design education:

  • Identify your areas of expertise and the target audience for your design courses or workshops.
  • Develop course materials, including presentations, handouts, and practical exercises.
  • Choose a teaching format that suits you, such as in-person workshops, online courses, or a combination of both.
  • Market your design education services through social media, design forums, and partnerships with educational institutions or design organizations.
Estimated Earning Potential:

Design educators can earn anywhere from $50 to $500 per hour for in-person workshops or online courses, depending on their expertise, course duration, and demand. Successful design educators can generate a six-figure income annually.

Pros: The opportunity to inspire and educate others, flexible teaching schedule, and the potential for passive income through online course platforms.

Cons: The need for effective curriculum development and teaching skills, competition in the design education market, and the initial time investment in creating course materials.

Quote: "Teaching design courses and workshops has allowed me to share my passion for design and mentor aspiring designers. It's incredibly rewarding to witness their growth and success while earning a substantial income doing what I love." - Michael Carter, Design Educator


Monetizing your interior design skills requires creativity, business acumen, and a willingness to explore various avenues within the industry. By leveraging your expertise, building a strong network, and promoting your services effectively, you can turn your passion for design into a lucrative and fulfilling career. Whether you choose to offer design services, start an online business, or create your own products, the opportunities in the design industry are vast. Assess your skills, interests, and market demand to determine the path that aligns best with your goals and aspirations. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve financial success and make a meaningful impact in the world of interior design.

Make Money