Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center Published Final Result of Various Positions

Result 25 Sep 2021 6380

Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center Published Final Result of Various Positions

Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center Published Final Result of Various Positions: According to the information published by Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center in Gorkhapatra Daily dated 2076-10-10, the following qualifications are obtained from the candidates who have applied for the following posts under the following advertisement number. ; As per the decision of the Vacancy Committee on 2078-6-8 to recommend to the Center for permanent appointment; This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

Note: Candidates who have passed in Gazetted category will be informed within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice and candidates who have passed in Gazetted category will have to contact the appointment letter center within 15 (fifteen) days.
