Padmashree College
The British College
ISMT College

Province 1 Government's Policies and Programs For the Fiscal Year 2079 / 80 BS

Article 30 May 2022 5086 1

Province 1 Governments Policies and Programs For the Fiscal Year 2079-80 BS

The Province 1 government has given priority to the agriculture sector and has submitted the principles and priorities of the budget and program for the coming fiscal year to the provincial assembly. Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning Indra Bahadur Angbo presented the budget priority in the meeting of the provincial assembly on Monday.

The priority of the provincial government is to increase the production of agricultural and livestock products by targeting the growing trade deficit in the agricultural sector.

In order to reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers, the provincial government has also given priority to increasing the production and use of organic fertilizers, improving soil conditions and promoting organic farming in the long run, and giving priority to crop production programs including livestock, fisheries, honey, mushrooms, and vegetables.

Cooperatives, private and intergovernmental coordination, cooperation and collaboration in the marketing of crops and livestock, promotion of small, cottage, and small scale industries by increasing access to capital, technology, and information for the operation of industries, and arrangement of operation of industrial villages in the public-private partnership are also among the priorities of the budget.

Similarly, the provincial government has mentioned various 47-point priorities on physical infrastructure development, health services, and social development, promotion of the tourism sector, urban and poverty alleviation, forest, environment protection, and disaster management, the flow of public services, and good governance.

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