Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Examination Notifications
The Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office has released official notifications for examinations concerning the Justice and Administration Service positions. The details of these notifications and the associated guidelines for the examinations are provided below:
Examination Details:
Notification for Birganj Examination Center:
- Notification No.: 26/080-81, Date: 2080/06/04
- Advertisement No.: 11301-11307 /079-80 (Open and Inclusive)
- Position: Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or equivalent.
- Stages: Passed the first stage, second stage written examination next.
Notification for Lahan Examination Center:
- Notification No.: 25/080-81, Date: 2080/06/04
- Advertisement No.: 11301-11307/079-80 (Open and Inclusive)
- Position: Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or similar.
- Stages: Passed the first stage, second stage written examination next.
Notification for Jaleshwar Examination Center:
- Notification No.: 24/080-81, Date: 2080/06/04
- Advertisement No.: 11301-11307/079-80 (Open and Inclusive)
- Position: Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or equivalent.
- Stages: Passed the first stage, second stage written examination next.
Examination Guidelines:
Electronic Devices: Mobile phones and other electronics are not allowed.
Calculators: Prohibited during the examination.
Examination Program: Won't be postponed without prior Commission notice.
Admit Card Requirement: Necessary for examination entry. Present it alongside a Nepalese citizenship certificate or a government-issued ID with a photo.
Punctuality: Arrive at least 1 hour prior to the examination start time.
Writing Tools: Only use a black ink pen/dot pen. Lead pens aren't allowed for the answer book.
Compliance: Adhere to the instructions provided by the examination staff.
Examination Center: Attend only the specified center. Candidates can't participate in other locations.
Answer Sheet Submission: Candidates may exit the examination hall post submission of their answer sheets.
Contact Information:
- Phone: 044-520144
- Website: www.psc.gov.np
- Email: [email protected]