Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Prabidhik Adhikrit (Technical Officer)
Public Service Commission Notice Regarding Examination Centers for Gazetted Third Class, Section Officer or Equivalent (Technical) Positions.
This notice is published to inform all concerned that, per the Public Service Commission's (PSC) annual schedule, the competitive written examinations for various Gazetted Third Class (Technical) positions advertised in Fiscal Year 2081/82 will be conducted in the following designated examination centers.
Important Notes:
Candidates must use only a black ink ballpoint pen/pen on the answer sheets.
Candidates cannot sit for the examination without an admit card. Therefore, they must bring the admit card and arrive at the examination hall at least one hour before the start of the exam.
Mobile phones are prohibited in the examination hall.
If an unexpected holiday occurs on the examination day, the scheduled examination will not postpone the scheduled examination time from the Commission.
When arriving at the examination center, candidates must bring their admit card, Nepali citizenship certificate, national identity card, or any other government-issued photo identification document.
Due to the risk of infectious diseases, candidates must arrange their drinking water.
Date of Publication: 2081/10/03