Padmashree College
The British College
ISMT College

4 Ways to Awaken Your Sixth Sense

Lifestyle 18 Jan 2019 6046 0

awaken your sixth sense

what is sixth sense?

We have heard many times about the Sixth Sense, which is called simple sense in simple language. As such, the human being has five senses - the eye, ears nose, tongue, and skin. This is called vision, smelling power, taste, hearing power and touch, but there is also another sixth sense which does not appear, but its existence is felt. It is also considered parapsychology. So far you will have heard and read about the Sixth Sense. But this is what happens, where it is and how it can be awakened. Let us know about the Sixth Sense? 

Below the cranium there is a soft hole: 

This is called Brahmandhra. From there, the Sushumna pulse goes through the spine to Mulaldar. It is believed that the Ida Nadi is in the left part of the body and the Pingala pulse is towards the right side. Sushumna pulse is located in the middle. This pulse is considered to be the center of seven chakras and sixth senses. Generally, sixth senses are in the dormant state, it is activated through different techniques.

What will happen when the sixth sense develops? 

The sixth sense is believed to be associated with foreskin. It is said that future events can be known if it is awake. It can hear things from a person sitting miles away. It is also easy to know about what is going on in the mind. It is said that once the sixth sense is fully awakened, the person's brain starts working ten times and they predetermine the movements around them. Apart from this, the person can feel any negative power easily. Let us know that the sixth sense is the key and what can happen if it is awakened. 

What science says about Sixth Sense:

According to research in this regard, due to the sixth sense, we are predicting the future events. Which we can feel as well as we see and it inspires us to avoid the happening. The sixth sense of nearly one-third of the population is quite active. 

These techniques can awaken Sixth Senses:

1. Pranayam:

The sixth sense Pranayam only works 15 to 20 percent of our brain. Through the medium of Pranayama, the sixth sense can be awakened. For this, it is necessary first to awaken the air sac. Due to the absence of air by breathing in the lungs and heart of the millions air sac, some part of the brain does not work. By getting the oxygen through Pranayama to the airways, the power to fight the diseases of the cells increases, the new blood is formed and all the pulse begin to come into action. Tiny new tissues begin to grow. Because of them, the face also appears to be enhanced. 

2. By meditating:

On meditation space between the two eyebrows, regular intervention takes place. This enhances our sixth senses. 40 minutes of daily meditation can be helpful in this. 

4. From Trāṭaka Meditation:

From this Trataka meditation action, this sixth sense can awaken. Watch for as long as you can see without any blinking of a light, crystal ball, and candle or ghee lamp. After this, close your eyes. Practice it for some time. This will increase your concentration and gradually the sixth sense will start to wake up. 

4. Silence Capacity:

By silence, the ability of the mind develops, thereby enhancing imaginary power and the ability to visualize. Through this, we know the foreseeable future as well as before the future. This is the beginning of the development of Sixth Sense.
