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How to Increase Child Memory

Lifestyle 09 Mar 2019 826 0

How to Increase Child Memory

Today's life has become so busy that parents cannot give time to their children. Therefore, children are getting irritable. Children do not concentrate on studies and do not sleep on time. The effect of these bad habits on their mind and body. Therefore, we are going to share you with the two habits that can increase your child's brain power after avoiding bad habits.

Avoid These Bad Habits:

Smoking - In today's world, very young children start smoking. Because of which their internal organs are severely affected and smoking causes the brain to shrink and their memory becomes weak.

Do not take adequate sleep - In today's time, the mother takes the smartphone to the child that the baby you are playing with it but its bad effects are revealed when the child feels tired. The reason for this is not to sleep on time. At least 80% of children who use smartphones sleep after a long time. Whose direct effect occurs on his mind, and his brain starts to weaken, he has an effect on his eyes and also affects the body.

Consumption of junk food - Nowadays children do not have time to jump in sports. By which they become a tendency to get angry. They do not eat in anger because of which the mother gives greed to junk food in the pursuit of celebration, which is one of the biggest reasons for the memory loss of children. Therefore, you must be careful that your child does not eat junk food.

These Diets Increase Brain Power: 

Almond is considered to be the best diet to increase memory. It contains many nutrients which nourish that part of the brain where our memory is the center of the brain. If a person regularly takes 5 almonds daily every day, keeping the diet and lifestyle balanced, he will never have the problem of eyes and brain weakness.

The nut also has the quality of enhancing your memory. There are many types of vitamins and antioxidants that nourish the body as well as the brain.

The most protein and vitamins are found in fish-carnivorous meals, so fish consumption is considered good for the heart, brain and whole body. Omega-3 fatty acids are rich in fish. Eating fish enhances your concentration ability along with memory. That is why fish is also called brain food.

The amount of iron in the spinach is quite large, so it eliminates blood loss in the body and increases the level of hemoglobin. Apart from this, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, B12 etc. are found in spinach.
