Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal Final Result of Physical Fitness Exam Result of Basic ARFF Course-015
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notification regarding publication of Physical Fitness Exam Result of Basic ARFF Course-015
CAAN published advertisement no. 7/080/81, 8/080/81, 9/080/81, 10/080/81, 11/080/81 and 12/080/81 Date of candidates submitting application on 01/08/2081 National Police Academy (NPA), the results of the candidates who succeeded in the practical examination related to Physical Fitness Assessments, Physical (Bodily) Measurement and Grading and Physical Efficiency Test conducted at Maharajgunj, related to the decision of the Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal (CAAN) Trainee Selection Committee dated 2081/01/09 This notice is published for everyone's information.
The list of 97 successful candidates in the practical examination is available on the notice board of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, website of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal www.caanepal.gov.np and website of Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal www.academy.caanepal.gov.np can be seen.
Dated 2081/01/10