NEB Prepared to Publish Class 12 Result within 15th of Bhadra

Result 25 Aug 2022 1448

NEB-National Examination Board

The National Examination Board has prepared to announce the Class 12 results within the 15th of Bhadra. Chairman of the board Mahashram Sharma has said that preparations are being made to publish till 15th Bhadra 2079.

President Mahashram Sharma said he is working on a plan to announce the results by the 15th of Bhadra. Now the results will be announced within Bhadra 15th. He said that the Examination Control Office (Class 12) has informed that it has almost reached the final stage.

This time, the office will publish the results according to the letter grading guidelines, 2078. According to this, a minimum of 40 marks should be obtained in the practical examination and a minimum of 35 marks should be obtained in any theoretical subject. If the marks are less than the specified marks, NG (Non-Graded) will be written. It has been arranged that the certificate written NG cannot study in the upper class.

The board informed that more than 4 lakh examinees participated in the examination which was conducted from the 16th to 25th of Jestha.

NEB Result Class 12

NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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