Government of Nepal, National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Regarding the publication of examination results
National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, conducted from Jestha 16th to Jestha 25th of 2079, the regular grade increase and partial exam results of class 12th has been published as per the decision of National Examination Board dated 05-17-2079. The details of the exam results are as follows.
GPA | No. of students |
3.61 to 4.0 | 4,179 |
3.21 to 3.60 | 30,107 |
2.81 to 3.20 | 65,284 |
2.41 to 2.80 | 64,093 |
2.10 to 2.40 | 10,900 |
1.61 to 2.0 | 35 |
1.21 to 1.60 | 0 |
Non-Graded | 188,410 |
TOTAL | 363,008 |
The examination results of all the subjects of the movement section of the candidates with the following ranks have been canceled:
20602456 21501984 21501989 21502054 21502175 21502229 21504165 21504170 21504181 21505211 215053214 21501377 21102244 21302887 21605102 216105104 21702289 21705320 2500068725707448 23002426 263201195 263100095 2800719 27101348 27111245 27111247 27200019 27200022 27202448 27206416 27206437 27206995 27501702 27608887 282022333 28800215 27101000 12200021 55000026 and 31600217 25700112
In addition to canceling all the subjects of the movement section examination, the candidates with the following numbers will not be allowed to participate in any examination conducted by the board for one more year.
Information regarding the exam results can be obtained from the following website, SMS Service and IVR Service:
1) National Examination Board website: www.neb.gov.np
2) Nepal Telecom website: www.neb.ntc.net.np
SMS Service:
1) How to send SMS to 1600 of Nepal Telecom: Type NEB Symbol No and send SMS to 1600.
IVR Service:
1) The result can be obtained by dialing the number 1601 of Nepal Telecom according to the instructions received.
1) Arrangements for Providing Certificates:
a) Candidates who participated in the class 12th examination through the letter-number system as regular examinees (with the first two digits of registration number 78) and obtained at least a D grade in theory test and at least a C grade in practical (internal evaluation) test of each subject and passed class 11 and 12 through the letter-number system (with the first two digits of the registration number 74, 75, 76 and 77) will be able to collect the receipt for Transcript, Migration, and Provisional (TMP) certificate only after 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the result.
Since social distancing has to be maintained due to the covid-19 infection, it is requested that the respective schools charge the standard fee (Rs.1,100) for the certificate from the students and send a representative of the school to the respective offices of the board to arrange for the bill to be deducted for the certificate.
The concerned schools are also informed not to take more than the specified amount.
b) Candidates participating in the examination as regular examinees (whose first two digits of the registration number are 78) must attach a certified copy of the grade sheet/ledger of the minimum grade specified in classes 11 and 12 for obtaining the educational certificate.
2) Candidates who are not satisfied with the grades/marks obtained in any subject after the publication of the results of the class 12th examination will pay Rs. 500 (Five Hundred) by paying the fee for reapplying the grade sheet/mark sheet or attaching the grade sheet/mark sheet downloaded from the website within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the examination result (2079 Ashoj 1, if that day is a public holiday, then the next day) ) can apply at the respective offices of the National Examination Board or at the National Examination Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.
3) If there is any error (postponed or absent, different subject, different name, registration number, etc.) during the publication of the results of class 12 by the National Examination Board; It is requested to submit the application along with the necessary documents within 6 months from the date of publication of the result to the concerned branch offices or the National Examination Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. There is also a request for information about the fact that no action will be taken on the applications that have come past the deadline and have not been received properly.
4) Candidates who participate as regular examinees in class 12th annual examination conducted in the month of Jestha in 2079 and obtain grade D or higher in all other subjects in theory and obtain NG (Not-Graded) in at most two subjects or are absent in at most two subjects are eligible for grade enhancement examination. will be able to participate. Detailed information regarding this is mentioned in the notification regarding the schedule of the grade enhancement examination.
5) If there is any error in the result due to technical reasons, it will be corrected from the original transcript of the examination control office.