Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Exam Result of Nimare Barracks Surkhet:
Nepali Army advertisement no. 080/81/02 (Open/Inclusive), of Sainya, Uttar Pashchim Pritana Headquarter, Nimare Barracks, Surkhet selected through physical fitness test on 25/12/2080 among the candidates appearing in the written test conducted by Shri Public Service Commission Surkhet in alphabetical order This notification has been published for the information of all the candidates who have passed the registration/roll number and name and have been selected for the detailed health examination and interview on the date and time specified by Uttar Pashchim Pritana Headquarters, Nimare Barracks, Surkhet. All concerned are hereby informed that the selected candidates should contact Uttar Pashchim Pritana Headquarters, Nimare Barracks, Surkhet.
Notice no. 102/080-81, dated:- 2081/01/13
Notice Regarding Publication of Result of Written Examination