Nepal Army Dipayal Sainya Post Written Exam Result 2080

Result 29 Sep 2023 4561

Nepal Army Notice

Notice Regarding Publication of Result of Written Examination: Nepali Army advertisement no. 079/80-69 (Open/Inclusive) Candidates selected for written test through physical fitness test from Sri Ranbam Gan, Ten Barracks, Dadeldhura for military posts, out of 276 candidates who appeared in the written test conducted by this office on 2080/05/30 Date of this office As per the decision of 2080/06/12, the following candidates with registration no., names have been selected for detailed health examination and interview in alphabetical order, this notice is published for the information of all concerned. Also, this notice is published for the information of all concerned that the selected candidates should contact Sri Ranbam Gan, Ten Barracks, Dadeldhura for a detailed health examination
and interview schedule.

Notice no. 31/080-81 dated 2080/06/12

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Nepal Army Nepal Army Result Nepal Army Sainya Dipayal Written Exam Result

Nepal Army

Bhadrakali, Kathmandu


