Nepal Engineers' Association , Pulchowk,, Lalitpur

Services of Nepal Engineers' Association


Utility Service


The Nepal Engineers' Association (NEA) plays a pivotal role in the engineering community of Nepal, offering a range of services aligned with its core objectives and mandates. Renowned for its commitment to professional development, NEA offers continuous education and innovative business incubation, significantly contributing to reducing Nepal's foreign dependency on engineering expertise. As a pivotal player in international engineering networks, NEA's alignment with global standards and practices is evident in its partnerships with world-renowned engineering bodies. In the wake of the 2015 earthquake, NEA's proactive role in damage assessment and reconstruction efforts underscored its vital contribution to national resilience. Committed to promoting scientific and technological advancement, NEA stands as a beacon of excellence and cooperation in the engineering sector, fostering a strong sense of community among Nepalese engineers and ensuring their rights and interests are upheld.

Here's a summary of the key services provided by NEA:

  1. Representation and Advocacy: NEA represents a diverse community of over 39,099 engineers from various disciplines. It advocates for their rights and interests, ensuring that they are treated fairly and justly.

  2. Professional Development: Through its Continuous Engineering Education (NEA CCEE) center, NEA provides opportunities for professional enhancement, addressing the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements of engineers.

  3. Networking and Fellowship: Promoting fellowship, goodwill, and cooperation among Nepalese engineers, NEA facilitates networking opportunities, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and professional growth.

  4. Specialized Societies Coordination: NEA coordinates the activities of numerous subject-specific professional societies, ranging from architects to computer engineers, which cater to the specialized needs of these professions.

  5. International Collaboration: As a member of various international engineering organizations, NEA fosters global relationships, enabling the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and best practices with engineering associations worldwide.

  6. Earthquake Relief and Reconstruction Support: In response to natural disasters like the 2015 earthquake, NEA has been instrumental in mobilization efforts, damage assessments, and reconstruction through training and design competitions.

  7. Entrepreneurship Support: The Business Incubation Center (NEA BIC) aims to nurture entrepreneurship among young engineers, enhancing their capabilities to contribute innovatively to the field.

  8. Policy Influence and Contribution: NEA plays a crucial role in shaping engineering policies and contributes to the national development of Nepal by reducing foreign dependency on engineering manpower.

Contact Details of Nepal Engineers' Association, Lalitpur


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