CTEVT Exam Schedule for Various Internal Competitive Examination

Exam 16 Dec 2024 5452

CTEVT Building

Notice Regarding Written Examination Schedule for Internal Competition as per Previously Published Advertisement by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)

This notice is published to inform all concerned about the competitive written examination schedule for the following positions, which are being filled through internal competition, as per previously published advertisements by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT).

Organization: Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)

  • Advertisement Published Date: 2081/03/28

  • Written Examination Schedule Published Date: 2081/09/01


  • Senior Instructor, Technical and Training, Officer Level II

  • Chief Instructor, Technical and Training, Officer Level I

  • Senior Agricultural Instructor, Technical and Training, Agriculture and Veterinary, Agriculture, Officer Level II

  • Senior Restaurant and Lodge Instructor, Technical and Training, Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Officer Level

  • Electrical Instructor, Technical and Training, Engineering, Electrical, Officer Level III

  • Technical Officer, Technical and Training, Officer Level III

  • Accounts Officer, Administration, Accounts, Officer Level III

Important Notes:

  1. Candidates must use a black ink dot pen/pen to write in the answer booklet.

  2. No candidate can participate in the examination without an admission card. Candidates must bring their admission card and arrive at the examination center at least one hour before the exam begins.

  3. Mobile phones are prohibited in the examination hall.

  4. Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the examination day, the Commission will not postpone the program without prior notice.

  5. There will be a 20% deduction for incorrect answers in objective multiple-choice questions.

  6. Answers to objective multiple-choice questions must only be written in capital letters (A, B, C, D) in English.

  7. Candidates must bring their citizenship or any photo ID issued by the Government of Nepal and their admission card.

  8. Candidates requiring a writing assistant must submit an application in person to the office examining at least 10 days before the exam date, as per Rule 68 of the Public Service Commission Regulations, 2079.

CTEVT Exam Schedule for Internal Competitive Exams 2081

CTEVT CTEVT Exam Exam Center Exam Routine