Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Examination Center Surkhet 2081 Shrawan
This notice is to inform all concerned that the written examination for the Nepal Army Soldier position, advertised on 2081/01/07 (Advertisement No. 080/81/66, open and inclusive), will be held according to the following schedule. Candidates who have passed the preliminary health and physical tests at Shri Uttar Paschim Pritana Headquarters, Nimare Barracks, Surkhet, and have been shortlisted for the written examination should attend the examination at the specified date, time, and venue.
Exam Schedule:
- Position: Sainya
- Service Group: Nepal Army, Soldier Position
- Exam Date: 2081/04/19
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Venue: As specified in the detailed examination schedule.
Important Instructions
- Writing Instruments: Candidates must use only a black ink dot pen for writing answers.
- Answer Format: Answers to Multiple Choice Questions must be written in capital letters A, B, C, D.
- Entry Requirements:
- Candidates must carry their admit card along with a citizenship certificate or any other government-issued photo ID.
- Without the admit card and ID, candidates will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
- Prohibited Items: Mobile phones, smart watches, and any electronic devices are not allowed inside the examination hall.
- Examination Center Rules:
- Candidates must adhere to the instructions given by the examination staff.
- Candidates must attend the specified examination center mentioned in the admit card.
- Examination Date: The examination will be held as per the pre-scheduled date even if it is a public holiday, unless notified otherwise.
- Entry Timing: Candidates should arrive at the examination center at least two hours before the scheduled time for biometric attendance.
Notice No.: 01/078-79 Date: 2081/04/02