Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi) Teaching License Result 2080 from TSC

Result 28 Nov 2023 36512

Teachers Service Commission Building

Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi) Teaching License Result 2080  from TSC

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC - Shikshak Sewa Aayog) of Nepal has set forth a simple process for candidates to check their lower secondary level teaching license examination results. By adhering to these steps, candidates can effortlessly obtain their results via SMS, ensuring they are kept informed promptly and efficiently.

Steps to Follow

  1. Compose the SMS: Start by typing 'TSCL', followed by a space.
  2. Enter Your Roll Number: Append your unique 11-digit roll number to the message.
  3. Send the Message: Dispatch the composed SMS to the number 31007.

Example for Clarity:

If your roll number is 40720025879, the SMS should read 'TSCL 40720025879' sent to 31007.

Cost Implication:

Be aware that standard SMS charges will apply as per the rules set by the service provider.

Please Note:

This notice is issued for all participants of the examination held on the date specified by the Teachers Service Commission. The results will be accessible on the commission's website and through the SMS procedure outlined above.

Check Here All Provinces Result

Entrance Result TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


