Call for Contributions: Tribhuvan University Annual Day Publication-2081
Tribhuvan University warmly invites submissions for its prestigious Annual Day Publication, marking the 64th anniversary of its establishment. This year, we are looking to enrich our publication with insightful articles and compositions that reflect the dynamic intersection of higher education and modern challenges. We encourage our esteemed faculty and staff to share their expertise and perspectives in either Nepali or English, contributing to a rich dialogue on the advancement and evolution of academia at Tribhuvan University.
Submission Guidelines:
This call is open to the teachers and employees of Tribhuvan University across all departments, campuses, programs, schools, directorates, divisions, centers, and hospitals.
Articles should align with one or more of the following selected themes:
- Integration of Information Technology in Higher Education
- Enhancing Public Service Delivery through Educational Excellence
- Addressing Administrative Challenges and Implementing Reforms
- Promoting Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning Environments
- Overcoming Challenges in Information Technology Utilization
- Financial Discipline and Reform Initiatives in Higher Education
- Innovations in University Examination Systems
- The Role of Practical Education in Academic Excellence
- Memoirs and Reflections on Academic Journeys at Tribhuvan University
- Updates and Insights on Academic/Administrative Training Programs side effects of herbal medicines, General perception of herbal medicines, etc.)
- Global Warming vs. Hydropower (Nepal)
- Local knowledge and Disaster management
- Climate change vs Food security
- State policy, Marketization, and land fragmentation.
- Any other contemporary issues/innovations
Research Focus:
We especially welcome research articles related to tertiary studies, Ayurveda, and other fields that contribute to the body of knowledge in higher education and holistic well-being.
How to Submit:
- Please publish this notice within your respective office or department and encourage participation.
- Submissions should be sent as soft copies to the Information and Public Relations Division via email: [email protected].
- The deadline for submission is by the end of Baishakh 2081.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries or further information, please contact us at +977-1-4330346.
GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS for TU Annual Publication
The publication adheres to the specific format as specified by the editorial board. Thus, the authors are required to follow the following guidelines while preparing the manuscript for the publication:
- The manuscript must be written in English or in Nepali.
- The manuscript/s must be the original work/s of the author/s and must neither be submitted elsewhere for publication nor be already published in any form. The manuscript must either be an original research article or a review article.
- The manuscript submitted must be a single Microsoft file with all related components such as figures, tables, charts or
- The manuscript should have a word limit of 3000 to 7000 words, not including References/Works Cited. The manuscript should be in "Times New Roman 12-point font" and be formatted as single-line space A4 size paper with a one-inch margin on all sides.
- The publication follows APA style (7th Edition) or MLA style (9th Edition) and; therefore, the manuscript must have consistency in research format, mechanics, and citation throughout.
- All manuscripts must include the following elements to maintain uniformity in style among the articles: Title; Author/s' short biography (name, designation, affiliation, address, email); Abstract (150-250 words); Keywords with 5-7 words or phrases; Main body (introduction, statement of the problem, objectives, methods of collecting data, tools/processes of analyzing data„ results and discussion/textual analysis, conclusion and recommendations (if any), acknowledgments and References/Works Cited and Appendices (if any)).
- Each manuscript will go through initial screening by the editorial board upon its receipt, followed by plagiarism check and blind review from two anonymous reviewers. As per the report of the reviewers, the manuscripts will be evaluated and selected for publication.
- The author/s must agree on the terms and conditions of the copyright authorization of the articles to the publication after their manuscripts are accepted for publication.
- For any kind of dispute regarding the publication of the manuscript, the decision of the editorial board will be final.
- The manuscript package must be prepared in advance of submission with three components (MS Word Files) as a) a cover page consisting of the title of the article, name/s and affiliation of the author/s, an abstract with keywords and email ID/s of the author/s; b) the main article consisting of the title of the article, main text and the References/Works Cited and appendices (if any) without name, affiliation and email 1Ds of the author/s; and c) a latest CV/s of the corresponding author and co-author/s (if any) in a combined single file.
- The publication will not accept the hard copy submission. All manuscripts should be sent as an electronic version via email at [email protected]