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NARC Call Application for Vocational Goat Farming Training for Young Entrepreneur Farmers

Event 29 Jan 2023 1893 0

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Government of Nepal, Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), National Goat Research Programme, Bandipur Tanahun Notification regarding submission of application for Vocational Goat Farming Training for Young Entrepreneur Farmers

As there is a program to conduct 10-day residential training for 20 farmers related to national-level professional goat breeding by National Goat Research Program, Bandipur Tanahun under Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC). This notification has been published that interested entrepreneurial farmers should submit their application within 15 days from the date of publication of this notification to this program or to the email address of the program at [email protected].

In the application, the farmer's name, address, age, gender, educational qualification, if the goat farm is registered, the name and registration number of the farm, the number of goats and the area of the farm, etc., should be attached and recommended by the head of the local body or the ward head.

The application form can be downloaded from National Goat Research Programme, Bandipur and

For detailed information, you can contact this program on mobile numbers 9846384421 and 9867692420.

First published date: 2079-10-15

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