Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Preliminary Exam of Security Guard and Parichar
Government of Nepal, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers National Investigation Department (Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag), Barfbag, Kathmandu Notification for Pre-Qualification Examination Schedule for the Posts of Security Guard (Equivalent to Non-Gazetted Fourth Class) and Attendant (Non-Classified) in Nepal Special Services
It is hereby informed to all concerned candidates that the first phase pre-qualification examination for filling the vacant posts of Security Guard (Equivalent to Non-Gazetted Fourth Class, Advertisement No. 02/080/81) with 16 positions and Attendant (Non-Classified, Advertisement No. 03/080/81) with 2 positions in this department and its subordinate offices will be conducted from 2081/04/23 to 2081/04/25 at the Physical and Sports Center of the Nepal Army, Lagankhel, Lalitpur as per the approved syllabus.
Detailed information is available on the department's website https://nidept.gov.np.
(A) Post: Security Guard (Equivalent to Non-Gazetted Fourth Class)
- Advertisement No.: 02/080/81
- Examination Venue: Physical and Sports Center of the Nepal Army, Lagankhel, Lalitpur.
(B) Post: Attendant (Non-Classified)
- Advertisement No.: 03/080/81
- Examination Venue: Physical and Sports Center of the Nepal Army, Lagankhel, Lalitpur.
Examination Instructions and Guidelines:
- The physical fitness test and physical endurance test under the pre-qualification examination will be conducted simultaneously.
- No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without an admit card; therefore, it is mandatory to bring the admit card to the specified venue.
- Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the examination day, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the National Investigation Department.
- Candidates must bring their admit card along with any citizenship certificate or any identification card with a photo issued by the Government of Nepal.
- Only candidates who pass the physical fitness test and physical endurance test will be allowed to participate in the detailed health examination in the second phase.
- Candidates must be present at the specified date, time, and venue 30 minutes before the scheduled examination program.
(First-time notice published on: 2081/04/12)
Notice Exam Routine Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag