Padmashree College
The British College

Coronavirus is Natural Virus - Stay Home, Stay Safe

News 27 Mar 2020 1017 0


Coronavirus is Natural Virus, Stay Home, Stay Safe:

There are two major problems with viruses. The first is that the virus is very diverse. The other problem is that viruses use your own cell machinery. Due to this, there is a danger that your cellular machinery is not affected, hindering the functioning of the virus. Scientists are working day and night to deal with these matters. There is a flood of myths related to Kovid-19 on social media. Such as the claim that the coronavirus is a biological weapon manufactured in the laboratory by Chinese scientists. Whereas the research paper published in the prestigious science journal Nature shows that this virus is natural rather than a biological weapon.

Scientists say that if this virus were created in a lab, then it could only be created from the genome of the coronavirus found to date only in the information of humans, but by scientists when the genus of Kovid-19 is still known. When matched to the genome, it emerged as a completely natural and isolated virus. The genome of the novel coronavirus is similar to the Betacorona virus found in bats and pangolins. In Homeopathy and Ayurveda, claims are being made for its treatment, but according to medical scientists, these claims are not true, because this virus is new. Until a clinical trial of a drug is done, we cannot say whether this medicine will work or not.

How the epidemic wreaked havoc and how thousands of lives and country and society were devastated in one stroke, most people in the 21st century would have heard about it in stories, but Corona recounted those stories and its awe Have settled in people. The current situation is that Kovid-19 is spreading rapidly, there is no definitive treatment available and it is not clear what the disease will look like in the coming days. Therefore, it would be better to take measures to prevent it from spreading. In this case, contribute to its prevention by maintaining social distance.

We have to consider humanity as a caste, find a solution to the whole world together and have to communicate continuously with each other, only then it can be better dealt with. As science continues to put its strong faith in it, we will become better at fighting Kovid-19. According to the historian and futurist thinker Yuval Noa Harari, author of Sapiens and Homi Dais, yes, this storm will also one day stop, humanity will survive, most of us will live to see the sun the next day, but this world will be changed.

Harari says that in this time of crisis of Kovid-19, we have two particularly important options. The first is a choice between totalitarian surveillance and civil empowerment. The second is the choice of one between secession and global unity. If we succeed in creating global unity, it will be our victory not only against the coronavirus but also from all future epidemics and crises that can break in our 21st century like a disaster.
