Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for Nayab Subba 2077:
Lok Sewa Aayog (Public Service Commission - PSC), Central Office, Anamnagar, Kathmandu has published Job Vacancy for Nayab Subba. Advertisement of Gazette Uncategorized First Class (Non-Gazetted) open and inclusive posts, competitive written exam:
Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical) Nayab Subba or similar posts to be filled through open and inclusive competitive examination; Applications are invited from the following qualified candidates. Candidates who have reached the required minimum qualification will have to apply through the Commission's online application system www.psconline.psc.gov.np.
(A) Lok Sewa Aayog, Dhankuta Office
(B) Lok Sewa Aayog, Jaleshwor Office
(C) Lok Sewa Aayog, Kathmandu Office
(D) Lok Sewa Aayog, Pokhara Office
(E) Lok Sewa Aayog, Butwal Office
(F) Lok Sewa Aayog, Surkhet Office
(G) Lok Sewa Aayog, Dipayal Office
Type of Exam: Written, Information Technology Skills Test and Interview
Exam Date: Will be published later on
Examination Centers:
All the offices of the Commission except the Central Office. In addition, examination centers for the posts advertised by the Public Service Commission, Jaleshwor office will be conducted in Lahan and Birgunj of Parsa district of Siraha district, and examination centers for the posts advertised by the Public Service Commission, Surkhet office will also be conducted in Dolpa and Humla district headquarters.
Application Fee:
The application fee for each advertisement is Rs. 400 (four hundred) will have to be submitted. Candidates applying for additional advertisements on behalf of the inclusive group will have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 200 (two hundred) for each additional group.
In addition, the candidate will have to pay the examination fee at the rate of additional Rs. 200 (two hundred) for each of the more than one cluster based on the cluster of the selected service/group in the online system.
Method and place of submission of application fee:
After submitting the form from the Commission's online application system, click on the View Applied Advertisement Tab of the Payment Tab and click on the "Pay" link in the list you have applied for. Then tick the check box to approve the visible condition. After that, you have to click on one of the Rastriya Banijya Bank / Global IME Bank / NIC Asia Bank / Kumari Bank. After choosing one of the online or bank voucher payment methods, you can submit the application fee from the following options.
How to submit application fee through bank voucher: Tick the check box given to pay from bank voucher, click on activate print button, print voucher, go to the nearest branch of the bank and submit the voucher and pay the amount. Banks will not receive cash without the voucher, so the voucher must be printed and taken along. Before printing, you have to make sure that your voucher has your Master ID and business code number. Remittances can be made from any of the branches of the mentioned banks across Nepal.
Method of submitting application fee online: To pay online, the application fee can be submitted directly by logging in to the ConnectIPS system through the online application system of the Commission.
Application Fee Submission Period:
After submitting the application online, one of the above-mentioned methods will be required to pay the double fee late and the examination fee / double fee prescribed within the office hours the day after the last date of application (If that day is a public holiday, then the first day of office opening),
Documents to be uploaded:
Candidate should have an educational qualification, training, experience, business permit certificate, inclusive group opening documents and other documents specified in the relevant advertisement in the specified place of the online application system. All candidates will scan the front of their citizenship certificate and upload it in JPEG format. The candidate himself should be fully accountable for the details mentioned in the application.
Last date to apply: 2077-10-20 and double fee till 2075-10-25.
The age limit of the candidate:
Completed 18 years of age and not exceeding 35 years by 2075-10-20 and not exceeding 40 years in the case of women and disabled candidates. There will be no age limit for permanent civil servants.