Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for Prabidhik Kharidar and 4th Level Health Service 2080
Advertisement of Public Service Commission Non-Gazetted Second Grade (Prabidhik Kharidar) and Fourth Grade Posts of Health Service Internal Competition, Open and Inclusive Competitive Written Examination
Date of Publication: 2080/12/28 Civil Service invites applications from candidates who meet the following qualifications as the posts are to be filled through internal competition, open and inclusive competitive written examination for the posts of Non-Gazetted Second Class (Technical) and Fourth Level of Health Services in the following services, groups, sub-groups of the Civil Service. is done Candidates who meet the specified minimum qualifications should apply through the commission's online application system psconline1.psc.gov.np.
Special notice regarding advertisement:
Hon'ble Supreme Court writ no. 078-WO-0660, which is issued in accordance with the order of the above posting mandate, and in the case of the inclusive group in the Federal Civil Service Act, the advertisement notice has been published in accordance with the Civil Service Act, 2049.
Type of Exam:- Written, Practical and Interview.
Examination Centre:
Dhankuta, Ilam, Khotang, Kathmandu, Hetaunda, Pokhara, Baglung, Butwal, Dang, Surkhet, Jumla, Dipayal and Mahendranagar offices of the commission related to advertisement. In addition, the examination center for the posts advertised by the Public Service Commission, Surkhet office will be established in the headquarters of Humla district and the examination center for the posts advertised by the Public Service Commission, Jumla office will also be established in the headquarters of Dolpa district.
Application fee:
Application fee of Rs.500.- (Five hundred) should be paid for each advertisement. In the case of candidates who apply in additional advertisements towards inclusive groups, they will have to pay an additional fee of Rs.150/- (one hundred and fifty) for each additional group. Also, depending on the service/group cluster chosen by the candidate, for more than one cluster, an additional fee of Rs. 150.- (one hundred and fifty) will have to be submitted.
Documents to be Uploaded:
Electronic copies of documents have to be uploaded in the prescribed format as mentioned in the online application system. The candidate should be fully responsible for the details mentioned in the application.
Method and place of submission of application fee:
Directly or Master ID and transaction through online application system of Application Fee Commission.
Documents to be uploaded:
Candidates should upload the documents specified in the relevant advertisement including educational qualification, training, experience, business permit certificate, inclusive group opening document in PDF format in the designated place of the online application system. All candidates should scan their citizenship certificate and upload it in JPG format. The candidate should be fully responsible for the details mentioned in the application.
Last date of submission of application:- Up to 1/18/2081 and double payment till 2081/1/25.
Period for submission of application fee:
The prescribed examination fee or double fee must be submitted by 2081/1/26 at the latest. Cash can also be paid from designated banks by printing a bank voucher with reference number.
Candidate Age Limit:-
- Completed 18 years of age till 1/18/2081 and not exceeding 35 years and not exceeding 40 years in case of women and disabled candidates.
- In case of posts towards health services, 18 years of age up to 2081/1/18 and not exceeding 45 years of age. • There is no age limit in case of tenured permanent civil servants.
- According to the interim order dated 2079/10/20 of the Honorable Supreme Court, pending the final decision of the case, Public Service Commission has published an advertisement on 2/15/2076, recommended by the exam conducted for the local level, including the currently employed government employees in the advertised positions of the civil service. There will be no limit. Such candidates will have to upload the application form in the experience section of the online application system.
Pre-Interview Test Schedule and Date of Interview:- The written test result will be notified when it is published.
Details of work to be done in the post (Job Descriptions):- Service, group related.
Salary:- As per prevailing law.
Service-related ministries:- Related ministries assigned to conduct the administration of services, groups, sub-groups.
Written Exam Schedule
(a) Examination program for Internal Competition, Open and Inclusive Posts for Civil Services: First Paper: 1:00 PM (45 minutes)
Second Paper: 2:30 PM (2 Hours 15 Minutes)
Prabidhik Kharidar:
Post, Service, Group, Subgroup (Internal Competition/Open) - Exam Date:
- Junior Technical Assistant (JTA), Engineering, Chemistry - 2081/3/4
- Junior Technical Assistant (JTA), Agriculture, Crop Development / Crop Protection / Horticulture - 2081/3/4
- Electrician, Engineering, Mechanical, Construction Equipment Maintenance - 2081/3/5
- Daroga, Forest, Hattisar - 2081/3/5
- Deputy Animal Health Technician, Agriculture, Veterinary - 2081/3/6
- Amin, Engineering, Survey - 2081/3/7
- Head Field Assistant, Forest, Wotani - 2081/3/7
- Assistant Computer Operator, Miscellaneous - 2081/3/8
- Junior Technical Assistant (JTA), Agriculture, Food Nutrition and Quality Control - 2081/3/9
- Junior Meteorological Assistant, Engineering Meteorology - 2081/3/9
- Assistant Sampler, Engineering, Geology, General Geology - 2081/3/10
- Mistry, Engineering, Metrology - 2081/3/11
- Senior Game Scout, Forest, National Park and Wildlife - 2081/3/11
- Mechanics, Engineering, Mechanical, Construction Equipment Maintenance - 2081/3/12
- Operator, Engineering, Mechanical, Construction Equipment Maintenance - 2081/3/13
- Store Mechanics, Engineering, Mechanical, Construction Equipment Maintenance - to be published later
(b) Exam program for open and inclusive posts towards health services:
First Paper: 1:00 PM (45 minutes)
Second Paper: 2:30 PM (2 Hours 15 Minutes)
Examination date
Post, Service, Group, Sub-Group - Date of Examination:
- ANM/Assistant Counsellor, Health, Public Health Nursing, Community Nursing - 2081/3/9
- AHW, Health, Health Inspection - 2081/3/10
Minimum Qualification Required:
1) For Engineering Services, Mechanical Group, Construction Equipment Maintenance Sub Group, Mechanics Post:- TSLC (Auto Mechanics or General Mechanics) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
2) For the post of Engineering Service, Mechanical Group, Construction Equipment Maintenance Sub-group, Store Mechanics:- TSLC (Automechanics or General Mechanics) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and at least 3 months training in computer operation from a recognized institution.
3) For Engineering Service, Mechanical Group, Construction Equipment Maintenance Sub Group, Operator Post:- Passed TSLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and licensed to operate any of the machines like Roller, Tipper Truck, Dozer, Loader, Excavator or from a recognized educational institution. Passed 8th grade or equivalent and obtained license to operate any two machines of construction equipment like roller, tipper truck, dozer, loader, excavator.
4) For the post of Engineering Service, Mechanical Group, Construction Equipment Maintenance Sub Group, Electrician:- TSLC (Auto Electrical or General Electrical) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
5) For the post of Engineering Service, Metrology Group, Senior Engineer:- Passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and passed certificate level or ISc or equivalent in mechanical subject.
6) For Engineering Service, Meteorology Group, Naib Meteorology Assistant post:- Passed TSLC or SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and training in related subject or one year experience.
7) For the post of Engineering Service, Geology Group, General Geology, Assistant Sampler:- Passed TSLC or SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and trained in related subject or 1 year experience.
8) For the post of Engineering Service, Survey Group, Amin:- At least 1 (one) year training in Survey or Geomatics after passing SLC or equivalent in mathematics from a recognized educational institution. However, in the case of employees who are in the engineering service, survey group before the notification is published on Bhadra 12, 2068, the educational qualification specified at the time of entering such service, group will be considered as the minimum educational qualification. For the post of Engineering Service, Chemistry Group, Junior Technical Assistant (JTA):- Passed TSLC or SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and trained in related subject or having one year experience.
10) Agricultural Services, Horticulture / Crop Development / Crop Protection Group, for the post of Junior Technical Assistant (JTA):- Passed SLC from a recognized educational institution with minimum one year JTA (Agriculture) training or passed TSLC with Agriculture subject.
11) For Agricultural Services, Veterinary Group, Deputy Animal Health Technician Posts:- Passed SLC from a recognized educational institution with minimum one year training in JTA (Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry, Animal Health) or TSLC with Agriculture (Animal Husbandry, Animal Health) passed
Note: The educational qualifications specified above for different categories of different groups for agricultural services published in the gazette dated 2069/8/25 will not be applicable to the civil servants who entered the service before the publication of this notice and in the case of such civil servants it will be as per the provisions mentioned in the previous rules. .
12) Agricultural Services, Food Nutrition and Quality Control Group, for the post of Junior Technical Assistant (JTA):- Passed SLC or TSLC in Food Science subject from a recognized educational institution.
13) For the post of Forest Service, Botany Group, Head - Field Assistant:- Passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
14) Forest Service, National Parks and Wildlife Group, for the post of Senior Game Scout:- Passed SLC from a recognized educational institution and physically fit and passed level 2 skill test related to forestry from an institution recognized by the Government of Nepal or at least thirty from a regional forest training center. Received training on working day forestry.
15) Forest Service, Elephant Group, for the post of Daroga:- Knowledge of elephant care, feeding, health and elephant compound, able to control intoxicated elephants, training elephants and 4 years experience in elephant related work.
16) Miscellaneous Services, for the post of Assistant Computer Operator:- Passed SLC or equivalent in computer subject from a recognized educational institution or passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and received at least 3 months computer training from a registered institution or SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution. Also passed and received three months computer training conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology for Semi Skilled Man Power.
17) For Health Services, Health Inspection Group, AHW Post:- Passed AHW or CMA course from a recognized educational institution.
18) For Health Services, Public Health Nursing / Community Nursing Group, ANM / Assistant Counselor Posts:- Passed ANM Course from a recognized educational institution.
After the implementation of the grading system, in the case of candidates who have passed the SLC or similar examination, those who have obtained a grade point of GPA 2 or above will be considered to have fulfilled the minimum qualification.
Special Notice for Internal Competition:
(a) In the posts to be filled through internal competitive examination, employees working in gazetted third category and uncategorized posts can be potential candidates.
(b) Must have completed the minimum educational qualification required for gazetted second class post and minimum service period (three years) as per sub-section (6) of section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049.
(However, women, tribals/tribals, Madhesi, Dalits, disabled and civil servants with permanent residence in backward areas will be eligible candidates even if the specified service period is less than one year)
(c) Civil Service Act, 2049, section 7, sub-section 14A of the Federal Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064 and the Health Service Act, 2053, relevant employees who have reached the required minimum service period and educational qualifications are eligible to be candidates.
(d) According to section 10 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, there should be no disqualification to be a candidate.
(e) Calculation of previous service period shall be as per Rule 123 of Civil Service Rules, 2050. For that, the service period should be verified.
(f) In the case of educational qualifications for which equivalence has to be determined, a certified copy of the equivalence determination must be submitted compulsorily.
(g) When filling the online application form, the details of your service must be mentioned compulsorily.
Notice for Open and Inclusive Examination:
1) Should not be disqualified according to Section 10 of Civil Service Act, 2049 and Section 12 of Nepal Health Service Act, 2053.
2) Open and inclusive written examination will be held at the same sitting on the same date and time. (There is no need to conduct separate examination for each service/group and open and inclusive group.)
3) When publishing the results of the selected candidates from the open and inclusive written examination, all the services and groups will be published in alphabetical order.
4) Candidates selected from the written test must fill the priority order of services, groups and offices before joining the computer skill test, practical test, physical test and interview. Candidates who do not fill the priority order of service, group and office will not be allowed to participate in the interview.
5) Candidates who have been selected through the written test towards the inclusive group will not be allowed to choose the priority order of the inclusive group. Based on the inclusion groups mentioned by the candidate in the application form, the inclusion group of the candidate will be established according to the prevailing rules of the Commission.
6) The program will be determined in such a way that the candidates selected in the open and inclusive and more than one inclusive group for the computer skill test and interview from the written examination towards the open and inclusive group will participate in the computer skill test and interview only once. The score of skill test and interview will be calculated in all groups (open and inclusive) in which the candidate has passed.
7) The appointment will be recommended according to the Merit Order and the priority order of the services, groups and offices chosen by the candidate after the examination of all stages.
Candidates who want to apply for inclusive group posts should prepare and submit the following documents at the time of application. After being selected for the interview based on the results of the written test, when coming for the interview, you should bring the copies of such documents along with self-attested copies. If the mentioned documents are not maintained at the time of application, the application may be canceled at the same time.
(a) In case of tribals/tribes: In case of castes listed in the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) Act, on the basis of the same list, but if there is more than one surname within the caste listed in the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) Act, the relevant local level A document certified by the Chief District Officer on the recommendation of the Chief to be a surname within the listed caste.
(b) In the case of Madhesi: A document certified as Madhesi by the organization specified by the Government of Nepal by publishing a notice in the Nepal Gazette, but a document certified as Madhesi by the chief district officer on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local level, unless the organization is designated by publishing a notice in the Nepal Gazette.
(c) In the case of Dalits: Based on the same list in the case of castes listed by the National Dalit Commission, however, if there is more than one surname within the caste listed by the National Dalit Commission, a document certified by the Chief District Officer as a surname within the listed caste on the recommendation of the head of the local level concerned.
(d) In case of disabled persons: Disability ID card issued by the Social Welfare Council or Disability ID card issued by the relevant local level stating the classification of disability according to sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the Act on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2074.
(e) In case of backward areas: Certificate of citizenship obtained from the relevant district stating permanent residence in the district mentioned in the explanatory clause of sub-section (7) of section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049 and current permanent residence in the same place from the relevant local level. Based on the recommendation up to 3 months prior to the date of filling the application form. If citizenship is taken from a district other than the district of permanent residence, a letter stating the reasons for doing so, obtained from the district administration office that issued citizenship, married or migrated to the district mentioned in sub-section (7) of section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, in case of marriage Marriage registration certificate and in the case of migration, it is disclosed that the local level / agency that has left and migrated to document.
(a) In the case of advertisements requiring a period of experience, the minimum period of service must have been completed by the last date of receipt of application for the respective post. The period of double duty shall not be counted for the purpose of age, educational qualification, period of experience and other qualifications.
(b) Before the adjustment according to the Employee Adjustment Act, 2075, Rep. No. Civil servants working in second class or similar posts are not eligible to be candidates in this advertisement.
(c) Applications which are not submitted within the specified period or which do not meet the minimum qualifications or which do not disclose other specified details or which do not submit the prescribed fee will not be accepted.
(d) Candidates requesting an assistant writer should contact the concerned office of the commission at least 10 (ten) days before the commencement of the written examination. Otherwise, the commission will not be obliged to provide a co-author.
(e) Candidates who pass the written test must submit a copy of the permanent certificate of educational qualification, citizenship, service experience, certified by the head of the relevant office, and copies of the documents mentioned to be submitted for inclusive and open application candidates before the interview.
(f) Must have attained the prescribed educational qualification within the last date of application. Candidates who have studied in foreign institutions must have their qualifications determined by the relevant authorities. But the candidates applying for the prescribed position after completing the prescribed educational qualifications from the universities of Nepal must submit the minimum educational qualification certificate or the transcript (transcript) which must be submitted with the application by the last day of application by submitting the single fee. A statement that the examination result has been published by the concerned university within the last day of the date and the relevant student from the concerned university or educational institution has passed all the examinations of the said degree within that period (all year/semester examinations, thesis, practical and other requirements have been completed) in order to confirm it. Such candidates will be considered to have fulfilled the minimum qualification if they submit the attached letter and all the semester results. Candidates who have studied in foreign institutions must have their qualifications determined by the relevant authorities.
(g) While submitting the online application, the candidate must indicate the type of candidate and the cluster of the service group.
(h) Advertisement number and examination center once selected, as there will be no revisions, confidently enter advertisement no. And exam centers have to be chosen.
(i) Candidates must use only black ink in the examination, otherwise the answer sheet will be cancelled.
(j) The details regarding the minimum educational qualification required for the post of applicant can be viewed while filling the online form.
(k) Syllabus can be obtained from Commission website www.psc.gov.np.
Notice no. 1142/080-81