NEB Official Notice for SEE 2081 Exam Center Guidelines and Instructions
National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office, Class 10, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Regarding Examination Centers to All Education Development and Coordination Units.
This notice is issued concerning determining examination centers for the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) 2081 based on inquiries received from various districts. In past years, errors in examination center assignments, attendance management, and answer sheet handling have caused issues in result publication, and some results were withheld. To address these concerns, it is requested to strictly adhere to the provisions outlined in the Secondary Education Examination Management and Conduct Guidelines (Amended) 2068 while determining examination centers in coordination with the Provincial Examination Management and Operation Committees. The centers should be defined as follows:
Guidelines for Determining Examination Centers:
Minimum and Maximum Number of Examinees:
Remote/Mountainous Areas: Minimum 150 examinees.
Hilly Areas: Minimum 250 examinees.
Terai/Inner Madhesh/Valley: Minimum 300 and maximum 400 examinees.
Regardless of the examinee count, at least one examination center should be established in each district.
Avoid Home Centers:
Centers should be assigned so students do not take exams at their schools (Home Centers) and avoid mutual center swapping.
The home center rule does not apply to districts with only one center. Mutual centers may be allowed for districts with two centers.
Rotation of Centers in Urban Areas:
Efforts should be made to ensure that the same school does not serve as the examination center every year in urban areas such as Terai, Inner Madhesh, and the Valley.
Separate Centers for Technical Streams:
Separate centers should be established for students in technical streams. Based on examinee numbers, centers should be placed in accessible locations, ensuring convenience for municipalities.
Students appearing for Grade Improvement exams from 2078 and 2079 (based on the old question papers) should have separate centers in the district headquarters.
Arrangements for Students with Disabilities:
Arrangements should be made to allow students with disabilities (fewer in number, e.g., 1-2) to take exams at nearby centers. Their answer sheets should be packed separately and submitted to the Education Development and Coordination Unit, which will include them in the respective examination center’s subject packet.
If many such students are from the same school or schools are under the same center, a sub-center should be established at the relevant school under the main center.
Centers Based on Municipalities:
Suppose inquiries are made about municipalities establishing centers. If so, it may be done with mutual coordination, provided student numbers do not fall below the prescribed limits. This would ensure convenience, fairness, and the smooth operation of exams.
Additional Guidelines:
All other matters related to center determination, examination conduct, and management shall follow the provisions of the Secondary Education Examination Management and Conduct Guidelines (Amended) 2068.
Additional Note:
The superintendent's name, mobile contact number, and email address must be included when recommending examination centers.