Tribhuvan University Service Commission Announces Vacancy for Professor
Tribhuvan University, Office of the Service Commission Notice regarding the call for applications for permanent filling up of the post of Professor
Since the post of Professor of Law for the Faculty of Law under Tribhuvan University has to be filled through internal and open competition, from Nepali citizens who have completed the minimum qualifications from 2081/01/01 to 2081/02/04 at 12:00 pm (paying double fee dated 2081 11th till 12:00 PM) Online application is invited through Online Application on TU Service Commission website www.tusc.tu.edu.np. No action will be taken on applications received before the deadline and not received properly.
Job Descriptions:
Advertisement No.: 1/080/081
- Position: Professor
- Subject: Law
- Type of Competition: Internal
- Required Posts: 7
Advertisement No.: 2/080/081
- Position: Professor
- Subject: Law
- Competition Type: Open
- Required No. of Post: 2
Minimum Qualifications
1) Age limit for open competition should not exceed 50 years.
2) The minimum qualification required for internal and open competition is T.V. Teachers, Staff Service Regulations, 2050 (with amendments up to 3|12th 2080) and "Tribhuvan University Teacher Appointment Recommendation Regulations, 2075 (with amendments up to 4th January 2077)" will be as specified. The mentioned rules and regulations can be downloaded from the Commission's website.
3) Application fee Rs. 3,500/- (three thousand five hundred) Nepal Bank Limited account no. 04500100102762000001 and upload the voucher along with the application form.
4) Detailed information is kept on the website of the Service Commission. For more information, one can contact the Tribhuvan University Service Commission Office, Kirtipur.
Notice Publication Date: 2081/01/01