APF Nepal Vacancy 2081 Inspector, ASI, Jawan, Sahayogi
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Home Affairs Armed Police Force, Nepal (APF Nepal - Sashastra Prahari Bal), Headquarters, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Directorate, Recruitment and Selection Branch, Halchowk, Swayambhu, New Recruitment Notice.
To fill the vacant posts mentioned below in the General Group, General Sub-Group of the Armed Police Force, Nepal, through open competition, applications are invited from eligible Nepali citizens who meet the specified qualifications. Applicants can apply online or submit their application form with a Rs. 10/- stamp in person at the designated offices of the Armed Police Force, Nepal, that is most convenient for them.
Application Dates:
(a) Date: From 2081/09/24 to 2081/10/24 during office hours.
(b) Applicants for Armed Police Inspector, Armed Police Assistant Sub Inspector, Armed Police Constable, and Armed Police Personnel (Various Trades) who have filled the application form online must submit their original application form in person at their chosen office by 2081/10/28 during office hours.
Contact Date, Time, and Place:
(a) Armed Police Inspector: Date: 2081/11/06 at 11:00 AM at Armed Police Force, Nepal Headquarters, Halchowk, Kathmandu.
(b) Armed Police Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI): Date: 2081/11/06 at 11:00 AM at the respective offices where the application form was registered.
(c) Armed Police Constable (Jawan): Date: 2081/11/06 at 11:00 AM at the respective offices where the examination will be conducted.
(d) Armed Police Personnel (Various Trades - Sahayogi): Date: 2081/11/06 at 11:00 AM at Armed Police Force, Nepal Headquarters, Halchowk, Kathmandu.
Required Number
Position/ Required Number in total:
Armed Police Inspector - 68
Armed Police Assistant Inspector - 83
Armed Police Personnel - 941
a) Armed Police Attendant (Bhanchhe) -20
b) Armed Police Attendant (Kuchikar) - 19
c) Armed Police Attendant (Suchikar) - 10
d) Armed Police Attendant (Keshkartak) - 24
e) Armed Police Attendant (Charmakarmi) - 14
4) Places to register application forms:-
(a) Offices collecting application forms for the posts of Armed Police Inspector and Armed Police Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) and contact no.
1) APF Nepal Headquarters Halchowk, Swayambhunath, Kathmandu. - 01-5249024.
2) APF Nepal No. 1 Barah Battalion Headquarters, Pakali, Sunsari. - 9851272029
3) APF Nepal No. 2 Chhinnamasta Battalion Headquarters, Bardibas, Mahottari. - 9851272024
4) APF Nepal No. 4 Muktinath Battalion Headquarters, Pokhara, Kaski. - 9851272025
5) APF Nepal No. 5 Bindhyavasini Bahini Headquarters, Chandrauta, Kapilbastu. - 985127207
6) APF Nepal No. 6 Maheshwari Battalion Headquarters, Bangesimal, Surkhet. - 9851272026
7) APF Nepal No. 7 Baidyanath Battalion Headquarters, Attaria, Kailali. - 9851272027
7) Required Documents
The candidate must bring the following documents mentioned in the advertisement along with the original application and submit a certified copy. Kermat and duplicate certificates will not be accepted.
(a) 1 (one) copy of Nepali citizenship certificate.
(b) 3 (three) copies of a recent passport size photograph showing both ears.
(c) 1 / 1 (one / one) copy of the certificate of minimum educational qualification specified for the advertised post. (Each level of character, permanent or provisional certificate and mark sheet along with equivalence certificate from Tribhuvan University (TU) in case of studying outside Nepal.
(d) For descendants of immortal/disabled Armed Police personnel, 1 (one) copy of document confirming immortality/disability and relationship certificate.
(e) For indigenous/tribal people, 1 (one) copy of certificate certified as indigenous/tribal by Nepal Indigenous/Tribal Upliftment National Foundation.
(f) For Madhesi, 1 (one) copy of certificate certified as Madhesi by the organization as specified by the Government of Nepal by publishing a notification in the Nepal Gazette, but until the organization is specified by publishing a notification in the Nepal Gazette, 1 (one) copy of certificate certified as Madhesi by the Chief District Officer on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local body.
(g) For Dalits, 1 (one) copy of certificate certified as Dalit by the National Dalit Commission, but if there is more than one surname within the caste listed by the National Dalit Commission, 1 (one) copy of certificate certified as Dalit by the head of the concerned local body. 1 (one) copy of the letter certified by the Chief District Officer as the surname within the caste listed in the recommendation.
(h) For backward areas, a copy of the original letter of recommendation stating that the applicant has permanently resided in the districts of Achham, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Jumla, Dolpa, Bajhang, Bajura, Mugu and Humla and has obtained a citizenship certificate from the concerned district and has been permanently residing in the same place till the time of submitting the application from the concerned rural municipality or municipality.
(b) For the post of Armed Police Inspector, even if the application form is submitted to any of the offices mentioned in clause 4 (a), all selection examinations including contact will be held at the Armed Police Force, Nepal Head Office, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Directorate, Recruitment and Selection Branch, Swayambhu, Halchowk, Kathmandu.
(c) For the post of Armed Police Assistant Inspector, the application form can be registered from any of the offices/locations of the Armed Police Force, Nepal mentioned in clause 4 (a) as per the convenience of the candidate. The examination, from contact including initial physical examination to written examination, will be conducted at the concerned offices where the application form was registered. The publication of the results of the written examination and subsequent examinations will be held at the Armed Police Force, Nepal Head Office, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Directorate, Recruitment and Selection Branch, Swayambhu, Halchowk, Kathmandu.
(d) For the post of Armed Police Constable, clause 4 (a) 4 (b) The application form can be registered from any office/location of the Armed Police Force, Nepal as mentioned in the relevant office. The examination from the initial physical test to the interview, including contact, will be conducted in the concerned offices.
(e) Candidates who have registered their application forms online for the posts of Armed Police Inspector, Armed Police Assistant Inspector, Armed Police Constable and Armed Police Attendant (various trades) after registering their form, should contact the designated office within the appropriate time within 2081|10|28 and download and print a copy of the application form filled within the deadline, the specified revenue bank account number, office code and revenue title number. Original copy of the voucher in which the revenue was deposited, a recommendation of good character from the educational institution they studied and two other incumbent gazetted officers of the Government of Nepal other than their relatives, a stamp of Rs. 10 and all the documents as mentioned in point no. 7. The candidate must appear in person and collect the admit card. If the candidate does not appear on the mentioned date, the application form will be automatically cancelled.
(f) Candidates must carry the original copy of the admit card and citizenship certificate while appearing for each stage of the examination.
(g) The results will be published after the completion of each stage of the examination, only the candidates who pass will be included in the next stage of the examination.
(h) While conducting the examination, a single examination will be conducted for the open and inclusive sections and the posts will be filled by conducting separate competitions among the candidates for the inclusive section based on the marks obtained by them.
(i) In addition to the revenue fee mentioned in clause no. 6, additional fees will be charged for the detailed and special health examination of the candidates as prescribed.
(j) The examination mentioned in clause no. 8 (d) and (e) will be conducted by the Public Service Commission.
(k) The results of the written and interview examinations will be published in the following order.
(a) Open
(b) Women
(c) Indigenous/Tribal
(d) Madhesi
(e) Dalit
(f) Backward Region
(g) Immortal/Disabled Police Personnel
(l) At the time of the initial physical examination, candidates must have their hair cut short so that both ears are visible (for males only).
(e) In case of any accident during the selection examination, the candidate himself /herself will be responsible for it.
(n) As per Sub-rule (5) of Rule 12 of the Armed Police Regulations, 2072, the vacant posts may be included in the same advertisement until the results of the written examination for the posts of Armed Police Inspector, Armed Police Assistant Inspector and until the results of the interview for the posts of Armed Police Personnel, Armed Police Attendant (Various Trades) are published.
(o) After getting the appointment, the basic training of the concerned rank as per the curriculum determined by the Armed Police Force, Nepal Head Office will be done.
(1) In the writ petitions filed by the Honorable Supreme Court, including the Armed Police Force, Nepal Headquarters, Halchowk, Kathmandu, including the respondent, Writ No. 078-WO-0384, as per the order of the Mandate issued on 24/10/2079, after making the necessary legal provisions, the loss incurred due to the fact that the inclusive groups specified in the law were not included in the fiscal year 079/080, including the posts that were actually lost, has been filled in accordance with the provisions of the current prevailing laws, as provided in the law.
(2) In the case of non-gazetted employees of the Armed Police Service, a person who has not exceeded 30 (thirty) years (date of birth as on 19/09/2081) may be a candidate. In the case of such departmental candidates, it will be mandatory to complete the basic training of the concerned rank.
(3) To fill the application form online, candidates can go to https://bharna.apf.gov.np/ and fill the application form. If there is any doubt while filling the online application form, you can contact at telephone no. 9851272584.
(4) Details including the syllabus of the posts related to the general group, general subgroup, application form for online application and date, time, venue and results of the examination can be obtained from the Armed Police Force Nepal website www.apf.gov.np, toll free no. 1114 and official Facebook Page: Armed Police Force, Nepal.
Armed Police Force, Nepal Head Office, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Directorate, Recruitment and Selection Branch, Halchowk, Kathmandu.
First Published Date: 2081/09/19, Notice No. 01 (081/82)