Ministry of Education Call Applications for the Appointment of Two Members to the TSC

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Ministry of Education Call Applications for the Appointment of Two Members to the TSC

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Notice Inviting Applications for the Appointment of Two Members (including one female) to the Teachers Service Commission

To appoint two members (including one female) to the Teachers Service Commission—one position currently vacant and another becoming vacant—this notice is published to inform all concerned that applications are invited within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of this notice, from interested Nepali citizens who meet the following qualifications.

The selection and recommendation will be carried out among those submitting applications following the “Procedure for Meetings and Selection of the Recommendation Committee Formed to Recommend for the Appointment of Members to the Teachers Service Commission, 2081,” as approved by the Recommendation Committee. Based on the ranking of candidates, those securing the highest marks will be recommended to the Government of Nepal for appointment to the Teachers Service Commission, as prescribed.

1. Qualifications and Experience

To be eligible for appointment to the post of Member of the Teachers Service Commission, an applicant must:

  1. Be a Nepali citizen.

  2. Have obtained at least a Master’s degree from a university recognized by the Government of Nepal.

  3. Have not been a political party member for at least two years before appointment.

  4. Be at least 40 years of age and not exceeding 65 years.

  5. Have worked for at least 15 years in law, education, or administration.

2. Documents to be Submitted with the Application

When applying, the applicant must include certified (self-attested) copies of the documents verifying the following details:

  1. A self-attested copy of the Nepali Citizenship Certificate.

  2. Self-attested copies of educational qualifications.

  3. Officially certified documents from the relevant institution verifying full-time work experience.

A sealed envelope containing:

  • A Concept Paper describing the work and role to be undertaken if appointed as a member of the Commission,

  • A Five-Year Professional Work Plan.

The Concept Paper and Work Plan must meet the following requirements:

i. Contain a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 5,000 words.

ii. Be computer-typed on A4-size paper in either Nepali or English.

iii. The first page must clearly show the applicant’s name at the top.

iv. On all other pages, the applicant must sign on the back of each page.

v. Apart from the first page, no pages should contain any name, signature, or mark identifying the applicant.

vi. The Concept Paper (including the Five-Year Professional Work Plan) must be placed in an envelope and sealed.

vii. The presentation of the Concept Paper (including the Five-Year Professional Work Plan) must also be placed in a separate, sealed envelope and submitted with the application.

  • A self-declaration stating the applicant has not been a political party member for the past two years.

  • The bank voucher for an application fee of NPR 5,000 was deposited into revenue account no. 14224 under office code no. 350003501 (Office Name: Teachers Service Commission), as revenue title no. 94224.

3. Application Collection and Evaluation

  1. Application Collection: Within the specified period and during office hours, applications will be collected applications Education, Science and Technology, Singha Durbar., within the specified period and during office hours

  2. Evaluation of Applications: The applications of candidates who apply correctly will be evaluated following the provisions of the “Procedure for Meetings and Selection of the Recommendation Committee Formed to Recommend for the Appointment of Members to the Teachers Service Commission, 2081.”

  3. The application form can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology’s website:

  4. For any queries related to the application process, please get in touch with the Ministry at 01-4211985 or mobile number 9857622577.

This notice can also be viewed on the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology’s website:

Date of Publication: 2081/10/01

Ministry of Education Call Applications for the Appointment of Two Members to the TSC

Notice TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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